Tag: Mobile
Emma Jane Westby
The guidelines for responsive web design have become a great deal more complicated since they were introduced back in 2010. Drupal 8 makes them work, even with the slower connection speeds of mobile devices.
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Angela Byron
You need a mobile web app. No, you want – you deserve – a mobile web app. But considering the options – Objective C or Swift for iOS, or Java for Android – you’ve been procrastinating. Well, developer, wait no longer!
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Lewis Nyman
The Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative is focused on ensuring that the next major release of Drupal fully supports an ever growing variety of mobile devices.
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Tom Geller
Is Drupal ready for mobile devices of the future? Will it be able to handle body-centered input and output? Tom Geller predicts the shape of tomorrow's mobile devices and discusses how Drupal will need to change to be ready for them.
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Michael J. Ross
This article is a review of James Pearce's new book, "Professional Mobile Web Development with WordPress, Joomla! and Drupal", published by Wrox. Even though the book is CMS-neutral among those three leading CMSs, my article looks at it from the perspective of Drupal. I provide a synopsis and overview of the book as a whole, and also focus on the two Drupal-specific chapters, to give the reader a sense of the suitability of the technical information and recommendations as resources for Drupal developers and themers who wish to create mobile-ready websites.
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Matthew Farina
The article discusses front end performance, it's importance including highlights on mobile devices, points to some helpful tools, and ends with 4 practical tips anyone can apply to their website.
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Patrick Teglia
The process used, and lessons learned about mobile application development from the team that built the Chicago DrupalCon mobile iPhone and Android app.
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Bruno De Bondt
It’s 2011, and the world is going mobile. People don’t just use their desktop computer or laptop anymore to visit the sites you build. They’re coming at you with smartphones, tablets, TV screens, and who knows what they’ll bring next year. With all this device switching going on, one of the questions that site builders ask themselves: how can we keep up catering for all these different devices?
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Larry Garfield
"Mobile" is all the rage these days, as are the calls for Drupal to be more mobile friendly... whatever that means. Mobile is actually short-hand for many different changes that Drupal needs to embrace.
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John Albin Wilkins
The current revolution in site building makes us reconsider everything we know about web design.
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