Tag: Community
Melissa Anderson
Does your team have a wayfinder? Someone who knows something about everyone’s function, can direct traffic, connect the info-needy to an info-provider, buffer with the client, order lunch, cheerlead, and provide a shoulder to cry on? The wayfinder may not be you, but you can still learn some of those skills to amp up your team’s performance.
Coming Soon
August 7, 2015
The purpose of this blog post is intended to be a comprehensive analysis and response to:
Mark Carver
Doug Green
It’s official: geeks are the new rock stars. Here is one aspirant’s journey from garage-band obscurity to the tippy-top of the tippy-top. Microphone-twirling not required.
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Nedjo Rogers
As Drupal – the Little Engine That Could – powers its way up the corporate mountain, it’s driving an ever- larger percentage of the web’s biggest commercial sites. The question is begged: whither Drupal?
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Michael Meyers
Give, and ye shall receive. Maybe even more so.
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Ron Brawer
Were you there? Then you may be in these pages. Our intrepid reporter investigated DrupalCon and returned with lots of interviews. But no tattoo.
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Tom Geller
Downloading Drupal is easy; but then what? Tom explores the Drupal knowledge gap and tells you where to get the answers you need.
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Holly Ross
The Drupal Association’s Executive Director explains what went wrong, what was done to fix it, and what’s being done to prevent a future occurrence.
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Tom Geller
Drupal's security advisories fix bad code. But how do you fix bad people? Tom Geller shows how social problems require social solutions — and how purely technological solutions can actually make them worse.
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Michael Meyers
How the Large Scale Drupal strategic alliance is helping large organizations benefit from active collaboration around common problems.
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